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Best Box Mix Brownies

There’s nothing like a fresh warm brownie from the oven topped with ice cream. But if you're short on time, ingredients, or you just don't feel like baking from scratch, a box mix brownie is an easier option.

There are many different box mix brownies on the market, so it can be tough to decide which one to buy. The last time I went to the grocery store, I swear I saw more brownie mixes available than cake mixes! We know you want that dense, moist, chocolatey brownie, but you don’t have time to test out all the options. So to help you out, I've tested out a few of the most popular brands and ranked the top 3 for you.

#1: Duncan Hines Brownie Mix - Chewy Fudge

Check it out here:

Duncan Hines Brownie Mix - Chewy Fudge

Chewy Fudge Duncan Hines Brownie Mix is my top pick for the best box mix brownie. It has a rich, chocolatey flavor and a chewy texture that is perfect with a glass of milk. The brownies are also easy to make, and they come out perfectly every time.

#2: Ghirardelli Expect More Triple Chocolate Premium Brownie Mix

Check it out here:

Ghirardelli Expect More Triple Chocolate Premium Brownie Mix is a close second place. These brownies are fudgier than Duncan Hines, and they have a more intense chocolate flavor. They're also made with Ghirardelli chocolate, which is a premium brand. If you are the ultimate chocolate lover, this one’s for you!

#3: Betty Crocker Favorites Dark Chocolate Brownie Mix

Check it out here:
Betty Crocker Favorites Dark Chocolate Brownie Mix

Betty Crocker Favorites Dark Chocolate Brownie Mix is a good option if you're looking for a brownie with a darker chocolate flavor. These brownies are also chewy and moist, and they're easy to make.

Overall, my favorite was the Chewy Fudge Duncan Hines Brownie Mix as the best box mix brownie. It has a great flavor and a chewy texture. That classic brownie taste without going chocolate overload. If you're looking for a fudgier brownie with extra chocolate, I recommend Ghirardelli Expect More Triple Chocolate Premium Brownie Mix. And if you're looking for a brownie with a darker chocolate flavor, I recommend Betty Crocker Favorites Dark Chocolate Brownie Mix.

Here are some additional tips for making the best box mix brownies:
  • Use the right amount of water. The directions on the box will tell you how much water to use, but I find that a little less water makes for a chewier brownie.

  • Don't overbake. Brownies are done when they are just set in the center. Overbaking will make them dry.

  • Let them cool completely before cutting into them. This will help them hold their shape and prevent them from crumbling.

And lastly, buy a few boxes at a time so you always have a backup. You never know when you will have a the need for a batch of brownies!
