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Brownie Edge vs. Center Cut
Which part of the brownie do people prefer, the edge or the center cut? In this post, we'll explore both sides of the argument and see if there is a clear winner.

The Case for Brownie Edge Pieces

For some people, the best part of a brownie is the crispy, chewy edge. The edge pieces have a slightly caramelized texture that is not found in the center cut pieces. The edge pieces also have a higher ratio of crust to interior, making them more satisfying to bite into.

Those who prefer the edge pieces argue that they are the most flavorful part of the brownie, with a perfect balance of sweetness and bitterness. They also believe that the edge pieces have a better texture, with a satisfying crunch that complements the soft interior.

The Case for Brownie Center Cut Pieces

On the other hand, some people argue that the center cut pieces are the best part of a brownie. The center cut pieces are softer and more fudgy than the edge pieces, with a melt-in-your-mouth texture that is hard to resist.

Those who prefer the center cut pieces argue that they have a more consistent texture and flavor throughout, without any burnt or overcooked edges. They also believe that the center cut pieces are easier to eat, as they are not as dense or chewy as the edge pieces.

The Verdict

So, which part of the brownie do people prefer, the edge or the center cut? The answer is not so clear-cut. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and what you value most in a brownie.

Some people prefer the crispy, chewy texture of the edge pieces, while others prefer the soft, fudgy texture of the center cut pieces. Some people value flavor over texture, while others prioritize consistency.

In the end, it's up to you to decide which part of the brownie you prefer. Why not try both and see which one you like best? After all, it's hard to go wrong with a delicious, homemade brownie!